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Поделиться22010-04-07 22:53:39
Secret ~Black Vow~
Суть клипа:
Мику находит ангела-Рин в плохом состоянии. Рин влюбляется в Мику, но у той есть жених и она ее отталкивает, когда ангел пытается ее поцеловать. Рин поканчивает с собой.
Потом Мику встречает Лена и тот ее похищает.У них шуры муры. Но тут ВНЕЗАПНО заявляется Кайто, который крайне недоволен смертью Рин и жаждет мести. Он стреляет в Мику. Тут появляется Лен. Он отдает Мику свою жизнь и тут Мику понимает, что Лен - это переродившаяся Рин (так же на спине Лена шрамы от крыльев, от котрых отказалась Рин ради Мику).
Такая вот грустная история.
Текст песни на английском:
Risking losing* her feathers, a fallen angel
Became sullied, vowing to abandon her body
She loved others in the past, however
That hand ended them all.
The injured and lost angel
Wandered the evening streets
One with beautiful eyes,
A single girl she met.
The moment their eyes met
The pitiful angel fell in love
Unforgivable feelings began to well
She opened the box of taboo.
The thing she searched for was a smiling face concealed under forbidden fruit.
Human and angel
For the sake of forbidden love,
Broke through all of everything**.
Throwing away a corrupted heart,
If my love for you still lives,
Cut away these wings.
I will devote my body to evil.
The bride, dyed in lacquer black
Went to a place of holy oath,
Where fleetingly, with smiling eyes
A mysterious boy she met.
The moment their eyes met,
She fell in love, that grieving girl.
Unforgivable feelings began to well
And she betrayed everything
Hand in hand, in this place
The continued to yearn for that desirable fruit
Wanting to come together in a scrambling fever
In purifying vow,
They trespassed.
The binds of the past, in pieces
Would completely erase everything.
If you only would repent and mourn.
You would only fall and sink.
A crime of taboo
If it is uncovered, would continue to scar and carve away.
The arrow of angered judgment
Pierced through the girl of lacquer black.
Risking losing her feathers, a fallen angel
Relinquished her corrupted vow
In exchange for that life,
A single feather left behind,
To rescue that girl, she disappeared.
Risking losing* her feathers, a fallen angel and
A bride dyed in sullied black
To the ends of the earth***
A linking vow entwines their meeting
Carrying an unforgivable crime,
Time rots the fruit of sin
Until the day they meet again.
Поделиться32010-04-19 20:54:33
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